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The Rise Of Robotics
Insights into the Global Robotics Market
In 2021, the world will celebrate 100 years since modern robots were first imagined. Initially introduced through science fiction, the field of robotics has since evolved into a prominent technology, which has been used to automate production lines for over fifty years.
Today, the global Industrial robot market is worth c.$48bn pa and demand for robotic technology is accelerating. This on the back of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is revitalizing market interest and encouraging digital innovation.
In this report we analyses the growth in the global Robotics Market, identifying key trends driving demand.
In part one, we explore the impact of digital technologies and the emergence of “Advanced” Robots, which incorporates the cloud based technologies , including AI and machine vision, to fulfill increasingly complex tasks.
In part two, we analyze which industries are driving demand for Advanced Robots, taking a deep dive into smart logistics and supply chain automation. We include a case study on Amazon’s robotics & a market map of key warehouse robot suppliers.
In part three, we dissect the wider robotics ecosystem, analyzing the market for robotic components, accessories and software. We include a market map on emerging technologies and key players.
We conclude with a detailed analysis on investor activity, to determine which technologies and categories have gained widest support. We include a snapshot on notable listings, M&A activity, and VC funding.
Specific topics covered include:
Market size and growth forecast
The emergence of Advanced Robotics
The impact of hardware deflation
Improvements in robot dexterity
Key Industries driving demand for robotic automation
A deep dive into smart logistics and supply chain automation
Market Map and key players: Warehouse Robotics
Market Map and key players: Advanced Robot Components
Market Map and key player: Robot software and services
Investment activity: Where is the money going?
Industries covered: Industrial Robots, Professional Service Robots, Smart Logistics, AMRs, Ecommerce, Warehouse Automation, robot software, robot components, and robot accessories.
Companies mentioned include: Amazon Robotics; rethink robots; Fetch Robotics; 6 River Systems; GreyOrange; ABB; KUKA, I Am Robots; Kindred; Universal Robots; Teradyne; MIR; Soft Robotics; Geek+; Ready Robotics; Locus; Brain Corp; Kion Group; Shopify; Berkshire Grey;
Critical Questions Answered in this report:
What are the major growth opportunities within robotics?
Which sectors are driving industrial robot demand?
Why warehousing and logistics are expected to become the largest end markets for robot systems
Which technologies are going strongest investor support
Who Should Read this report?
Executives and investors seeking an overview of the Robotics sector
Warehousing and supply chain operators considering robotic automation
Robotic vendors
Warehouse automation vendors
Service providers
End users